Brand New From Sean Greene

“New Book Reveals How to Turn Your Creative Skills into Profit Magnets …

From the Studio of Sean Greene – St. Louis, MO

Dear Friend,

If you want to attract high-paying clients like crazy… regardless of your creative niche, this is the most important letter you’ll read today.

But First … A Disclaimer

Please understand the results I’m sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or achieve anything for that matter).

I have the benefit of over five years of experience as a filmmaker, multi-genre writer, and dedicated student of Direct Response Marketing, which gives me a unique perspective on creative business growth.

The average person who buys any “how to” information about growing their creative business gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors … including but not limited to your creative talent (and its marketability in 2024), marketing experience, and work ethic.

Building a successful creative business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

With that said, let’s dive in …

Exactly What You’re Getting

I won’t lie: The book I’m offering isn’t pretty. There’s no doodles in the margins, no rainbow colors and no cutesy fonts. 

It will be dramatically different from anything you’ve read on marketing for creatives. It’s more of a step-by-step “marketing roadmap” than a traditional “art business book.”

I don’t waste time on fluff. I don’t sneak in half my memoir. The book cuts to the case: Here’s what you’re doing wrong, this is why, and here’s how to fix it. 

You’ll also discover how to transform your creative skills into profitable digital products and online courses, opening up new revenue streams beyond client work.

Plus, it’s written in plain English.

I’ve shaved it down to 41 pages, so you can read it TWICE in an afternoon.

And you’ll speedily “get” the whole methodology I personally used to attract YOU to this page. 

… But it’s one thing to get it and another to apply it. That’s why I’ve added countless prompts, fill-in-the-blanks, scripts and step-by-step instructions. These will help make this advice INSTANTLY PRACTICAL TO YOUR CREATIVE BUSINESS. 

Here’s just a small taste of what’s inside and how it’ll guide you to profit from your creativity: 

✓ A Simple 3-Step “Mad Lib” to Identify Your Perfect Target Audience with Multiple Examples (Page 15 – this alone is worth the price)

✓ Why a Portfolio Website Is a MASSIVE Waste of Money for Most People (Page 1)

✓ The “Walt Disney” Method of Content Repurposing – This trick SAVES You SO MUCH TIME (Page 26)

✓ How to Turn Your Artistic Expertise into an Alluring Lead Magnet to Make Sales or Aquire Leads Online (Page 4)

✓ The Hidden Cost That Causes Artists to Waste A LOT of Money on Their Social Media Accounts (Page 2)

11 “Universal Problems” That Need Solving in ANY Creative Niche (Page 15)

✓ A Method to Market Your Work So That YOUR People Find It Easily (Page 11)

Everybody Assumes

You become an expert through the long slog of 10,000 hours of perfect practice, right?


You are likely more skilled at your artistic medium than 99% of the world already … you just need a method to EXPLAIN and LEVERAGE your EXISTING expertise.

That’s why I’ve devoted a chapter to that very topic.

As a creative entrepreneur, you have unique skills that can be leveraged in MULITPLE ways. This book will show you how to package your expertise for maximum profit.

I go deep on the 3 ‘Personal Audits’ you need to go through to establish EXPERT STATUS in your marketplace (on page 21). More importantly, I explain how, when and why to talk about your expertise (this matters a ton!).

You’ll also uncover …

✓ A “Fill in the Blank” Script to Get Endorsements and Testimonials from Old Clients and Creative Peers … pg. 21

6 Powerful Ways to Collaborate with Non-Artists + How to Pitch Yourself for an Easy “YES” … pg. 23

✓ The Ethics of Selling a High-Priced Online Course to Other Artists … pg. 8

✓ 14+ Types of Content to Build Your Creative Brand On … pg. 26

✓ How to Use a Marketer’s Mindset to Monetize Your Creative Talent (Without a Big Following) … pg. 9

✓ The Counterintuitive PROBLEM with Sharing All Your Creative Work for Free … pg. 7

✓ The Perfect Strategy to Shift Your Audience OFF Social Media and onto Your “Owned” Media … pg. 5

But there’s something else inside …

The Greatest Marketing Research Tool (Hint: It’s Always Free)

Within the first few pages, I will reveal a strategy to know EXACTLY what your target audience craves and what they’ve been DISSATISFIED with from others. 

I discovered this freely available tool (on a website you’ve used many times before!) from a business legend named Jay Abraham. I adapted it into a Simple 7-Step Process for you to use again and again (… starts on page ii). 

This book will teach you the nuts and bolts of Direct Marketing YOUR creative work online.

But before I say more:

… There’s an elephant in the room.

This is THE biggest objection artists and creative writers have with the system of marketing I teach …

Direct Marketing is CHEESY

Infomercials are your ick, yeah? “But wait, there’s more!” makes you flip the channel, right?

I need to let you in on two important secrets:

  1. Those “cheesy” ads work. Maybe not on you, but that’s only because the product wasn’t advertised FOR YOU. Think about it: Nobody would continue to pay for TV advertising and make those “only 2 payments of $19.95” kind of ads if they didn’t turn a massive profit.
  1. Direct Response Marketing is about return on investment (ROI), not slick, award-winning advertising. In its most basic form, it’s, “Here’s what I’ve got. Here’s what it’ll do for you. Here’s why you need it now. Here’s a bonus/discount for acting now.” It’s not about look or vibe or feel; it’s about — Did people take action and pay you?

Cat’s Out of the Bag

What you’re reading now IS a direct response sales letter. 

My guess is that, even if parts sound cheesy, I’m likely tapping into your thoughts. That’s not by accident! 

Partly, it’s because I know the soul-crushing feeling of online obscurity as an artist, same as you. BUT, I’VE ALSO STUDIED how OTHERS have tried to solve this problem before, where they failed, and how I can offer a better solution.

At its core, Direct Marketing is about problem solving!

If you can understand HOW your experience and skills as an artist SOLVES PROBLEMS, then Direct Marketing is HOW YOU TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT.

The Secret of ALL Successful Creative Entrepreneurs

Truly successful professionals, in any field, understand the importance of measuring what works. While amateur artists might post and pray, hoping for viral success …

… Serious artists and writers know that real success comes from understanding their audience and tracking their results.

Direct marketing isn’t just about sellingit’s about gaining insights.

Every campaign … every post … every email becomes a detail that informs your next move. That’s how you EVOLVE from a passionate artist to a full-time artrepreneur.

By embracing these principles, you’re not just marketing your art — you’re professionalizing your passion.

And here’s the kicker …

You’re separating yourself from the masses who are still playing the social media lottery.

Remember: Professionals track. Amateurs hope.

… Which one are you going to be?

But wait … I can hear you thinking:

“Okay, Sean. I get it. Tracking is important. But I still don’t want to come across as some cheesy salesperson!”

I hear you. And that’s exactly why I’ve developed a method that gives you the best of both worlds:

The data-driven results of direct marketing …


The authentic voice of a true creative.

Intrigued? Let me introduce you to …

Direct Marketing For Creative Entrepreneurs (Without The Cheese)

What if I told you there was a way to borrow the successful, time-tested elements of those old infomercials WITHOUT the cheesy cliches?

There is a way … it’s what I, and many others, are figuring out online. I’ll give you my simple 3-step formula, but the details and guide to implementation are in the book:

The 3-Step ‘I’m An Expert’ Technique:

  1. Create ‘Expert-status’ Content Assets: Reusable video clips that show off your expertise in an area you’ve studied that’s genuinely helpful to your target audience. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN TALKING ABOUT YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE.
  1. Amplify those Assets with Paid Ads: Use targeted advertising to share your valuable content, adding a call-to-action for a free or paid digital product at the end (this is not ‘spam’ because you’re offering useful advice that otherwise wouldn’t be seen). THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN ‘BOOSTING’ A POST.
  1. Nurture Through Email: Follow up via email with a mix of more helpful content, and additional calls-to-action for one of your high-ticket products or services. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN AN EMAIL NEWSLETTER.

You’ll notice, this strategy is “pay-to-play,” but the DIFFERENCE is now you’re ALSO getting “paid to play.” 

That’s why return-on-investment (ROI) is the most important aspect of direct response marketing!

… If you don’t turn a profit on a campaign, then stop running it!

I know these three steps look surface-level, but they’re a winning strategy. You can use them systematically for an offer people ACTUALLY WANT (that your artistic talent can fulfill).

My book is meant to get you thinking about MARKETING ARCHITECTURE … Basically YOUR BLUEPRINTS for strategy before you build and automate sales for your art business.

Wait, I’m Camera Shy!

Listen, there’s no getting around it …

Video is how we discover new ideas online. 

Of course, I love to read. I enjoy podcasts too.

Thing is … I often discover NEW BOOKS & NEW PODCASTS from short-form videos on social media. From there, I’ll look up more of the expert’s work. I’ll watch a longer interview of them. I’ll find their books on Amazon, AND THEN I BUY.

In 2024, you will have to make video content, ideally with your face in it (although there are ways around that). 

But there is a silver lining, one that makes this strategy ‘burnout proof’

When you use the strategies in my book, you are building EVERGREEN MARKETING ASSETS.

What does that mean? 

Simple …

Instead of ‘one-and-done’ Instagram reels, you make a few ‘expert-status’ videos. They might come from a single long-form interview. Then, you advertise them again and again.

You will need to refresh your content from time to time. But, it will be MUCH LESS OFTEN than when you were frantically posting like a chicken with its head cut off.

We are entering a world where AI avatars could replace the need for public speaking. But I don’t recommend this shortcut …

Mastering public speaking, even just feeling comfortable talking on camera, is a GAME-CHANGER for your art career. Here’s 3 reasons why it’s WORTH OVERCOMING this fear:

  1. You’ll be seen as an expert authority in your niche
  2. You’ll be immune to creative commoditization
  3. You’ll be able to command higher prices, with less resistance, for your services

Trust me, it’s worth it. Pro tip: Try stand-up comedy at an open mic one time! After that, a video interview about your passion will feel like a breeze.

The MASSIVE COST of Inaction

As a creative freelancer, every day without a solid marketing strategy is a missed opportunity for high-paying clients and passive income …

You’re busy, I get it.

I know dropping this advice about direct marketing can seem like too much. Your plate is probably overloaded as is.

… But I have a hard truth for you:

You’re already WASTING A LOT OF TIME doing useless, MONEY-DRAINING activities right now.

You’ve got to edit your fancy portfolio website? You’ve got to make this month’s social media calendar? You’ve 5 new commissions due in two weeks because you underbid yourself?

Stop! Stop sprinting on a treadmill!

Block out 1 hour (at least) to go through this condensed book.

… Then take a deep breath.

Block out 1 more hour to reflect, without pressure, on what you’re doing that’s a waste of your valuable time. 

  • Too many commissions on your plate? Triple your prices.
  • Too much social media content to make? Do less and reuse it.
  • Too overwhelmed personally fulfilling $20 orders? Charge A LOT more and offer valuable digital bonuses with it.

The beauty of Direct Response Marketing is its simplicity:

  1. How much do you want to make in profit this month? This year?
  2. How much do you need to sell of _____ to reach that goal?
  3. Could I realistically double my prices and sell half as much?
  4. Quadruple my prices and sell a quarter as much?
  5. How much can I afford to spend to acquire one new customer?

It’s basic money math (trust me, if I do it, so can you). Set it up once and make small tweaks over time.

I hope you see that by not investing in yourself, you’re not just losing money or time—you’re sacrificing your dreams on the altar of ‘someday.’

Every day you wait is another day your creative talent wallows in obscurity … 

  • Another day your message goes unheard
  • Another day your skills are wasted copying the masses 
  • Another day your potential clients find someone else 

This isn’t just about missed opportunities—it’s about the slow, agonizing death of your artistic aspirations, replaced by the cold comfort of “what if” and “if only.” 

(Hint: The real cost goes far beyond just dollars—it’s about the impact your art could be making, but isn’t.)

3 Bonuses Included With the Book

In addition to the book, I’ve included two unique bonuses worth a combined value of $90!

BONUS #1: The “Artrepreneur Archetype” Assessment ($50 value)

Knowledge is power, right? Well, potential power at least. 

I’ve designed a brief 18-question quiz. This powerful tool will reveal your strengths, potential pitfalls, and tailored strategies to elevate your creative business.

Your archetype assessment also allows me to custom tailor the advice you recieve in your strategy session. This will help you IMPROVE your weaknesses and CAPITALIZE on your strengths!

BONUS #2: The “7 Deadly Mistakes” Cheat Sheet ($40 value)

This isn’t just another pretty PDF. It’s your rapid-fire battle plan against the most common pitfalls killing creative careers.

✓ Distills the book’s core strategies into a single, action-packed page

✓ Pinpoints exactly where you’re leaving money on the table

✓ Gives you a daily reminder of the high-leverage moves to make

Keep this cheat sheet within arm’s reach. It’s like having a seasoned art business coach whispering profit-boosting advice in your ear.

Hang it on your studio wall. Your future self will thank you.

Here’s What to Do Next

The total value of this transformative package is $140, but for a limited time, you can get everything for only $5.60. That’s more than 95% OFF its ACTUAL VALUE!

Your instant access includes:

  • The book (PDF download)
  • Archetype Assessment link ($50 value)
  • 7 Deadly Mistakes Cheat Sheet ($40 value)

Act now to claim these high-value bonuses!

Why does it cost $5.60?


That’s the cost it would take if I were to ship it to you directly. (as I think it will), then I KNOW you can afford to spend less than a dollar a day to make it happen.

How’s that for a deal?

But, in case you have any doubts, this will set you at ease …

The World’s Most Reckless Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this book and the bonuses or I’ll return your $5.60 …  and let you keep everything.

I’m not joking.

If you’re not satisfied, just email me within 45 days (address on your receipt) and I’ll refund your $5.60 with zero hassle.

Does that sound fair?

Time Is Running Out … Seriously

Here’s why the time is extremely limited:

I barely break even selling this book. (Most of the cost goes toward the ads I run and software I use).

So why am I offering it?


I want to show you that my approach to marketing your creative freelance business is transformational. It’s designed to take your creative talents and turn them into a thriving, profitable enterprise.

… In doing so, I’ll identify a select few PROFESSIONAL creative freelancers and business-minded artists with the potential to scale. Those select few will have the opportunity to continue my ongoing ‘Creative Business’ coaching services.

As the great marketer Frank Kern would say: It’s the old “show people you can help them by ACTUALLY helping them” trick.

So, no, I’m not adding one of those annoying countdown clocks to this page …

But I will take this offer away as soon as my coaching program hits capacity.

… This might be the last time you see this page with these bonuses.

This is a Limited-time Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before it’s Gone for Good

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m excited to meet you on our strategy call!


Sean Greene

P.S. If you got antsy and skipped to the end, here’s the rundown:

I’m offering you a 43-page, no-fluff roadmap that shows you how to turn your creative passion into a PROFITABLE art business using direct marketing.

All for just $5.60.

In addition to the book, I’m also giving you TWO POWERFUL BONUSES: 

1. An “Artrepreneur Archetype” Assessment (value: $50)

This quiz pinpoints your art business archetype and shows how to harness its power (while overcoming its limitations).

2. The “7 Deadly Mistakes” Cheat Sheet (value: $40)

Your quick-reference guide to avoid costly mistakes and skyrocket your art business. One page, massive impact.

I’m including these because I want you to USE the STRATEGIES in the book immediately and see real results.

This is an EXTREMELY limited offer because I’m running this as a marketing test.

There’s no catch, no hidden fees, and no sneaky subscriptions.

In fact, if you don’t love it, just let me know within 45 days and I’ll refund your $5.60. You keep everything anyway.

DISCLAIMER: The strategies I share have the potential to transform your creative freelance career. However, I want to be crystal clear: I can’t guarantee specific financial results. I’ve successfully used these direct marketing principles in my own creative journey, but my background as a filmmaker, self-published author, and dedicated student of Direct Response Marketing has given me a unique skillset. This mix of creative, technical, and marketing expertise lets me bridge a common gap. Your success will depend on many factors, including your creative talent, comfort with media tech, willingness to test and reassess strategies, and your dedication to apply what you learn. Creating a profitable artistic career requires both creative excellence and a strategic marketing effort. The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. If you’re not prepared to embrace both the creative and business aspects, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

© 2024 Sean Greene. All rights reserved.